Hello, I’m Wu.

Welcome to my blog! I am a traffic engineering student. And I am interested in computer science, music, photography, traveling and video games as well!

Contact Hi_Wu@outlook.com


Interrail 使用攻略

这篇攻略献给REIS的四位好朋友们:CY、JMY、WJH和WSP 这是一篇针对Interrail使用的不完全攻略。 多亏朋友提醒,在Interrail打折的时候以274欧元入手了两个月的Global Pass。 因此有机会在暑假坐火车畅游欧洲,然后把使用的经验总结成这一篇攻略。 题外话,Eurail面向居住地不在欧洲的人,但是效果似乎Interrail是一样...

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何为震群型地震?/ What is an earthquake swarm?

本文是USGS的What is an earthquake swarm?一文中部分段落的中文翻译。请点击链接来浏览英语全文。 / This is a translation of several selected paragraphs from What is an earthquake swarm? on USGS. Please refer to t...


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Hello, World!

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