何为震群型地震?/ What is an earthquake swarm?

本文是USGS的What is an earthquake swarm?一文中部分段落的中文翻译。请点击链接来浏览英语全文。 / This is a translation of several selected paragraphs from What is an earthquake swarm? on USGS. Please refer to the link for the full English text.

译序 / Preface

经过半个晚上的提心吊胆,终于上车准备合眼。睡前在微博上看到@风云梦远提到我正经历的地震属于震群型,在求知欲和求生欲的双重作用下终于在网上找到一篇由浅入深介绍震群型地震的文章,稀里糊涂向作者申请了翻译和搬运就睡了。没想到天亮之后 是的!活着见到明天的太阳了 收到了作者的许可。于是带着重生的喜悦迅速写就了这篇小翻译,希望能和大家分享一些有关地震的知识。

中文译文 / Chinese translation




Corresponding text / 英文原文

Before we answer these questions, let’s take a small step back. Many earthquakes follow a non-swarm pattern known as a mainshock-aftershock sequence. In its simplest form, this means that the largest earthquake occurs first in this sequence, followed by a series of smaller shocks, decaying over a time period ranging from weeks to decades. On average, the magnitude of the largest aftershock tends to be about one magnitude unit smaller than the mainshock.

However, not all earthquake sequences follow this pattern. Sometimes, the largest event might not be the first event in a sequence; instead it might occur in the middle. Sometimes sequences can have many earthquakes with magnitudes similar to the largest earthquake of the sequence. Sometimes sequences don’t decay over time, but rather remain steady or even increase in their activity rates over periods of days, weeks, or even months. Sequences that don’t fit a mainshock-aftershock pattern are typically considered swarms.

There is no precise definition of when a mainshock-aftershock sequence becomes a swarm. In reality, the distinction is not sharp. Earthquake sequences follow a whole range of behaviors from “very mainshock-aftershock” to “very unlike mainshock-aftershock.” The “swarm” designation is typically applied when we observe relatively many earthquakes within a relatively small area, which just don’t fit the pattern of a mainshock-aftershock sequence.

  1. 原文中还深入讨论了震群型地震深层次的形成原因。考虑到我自己没有地震学背景,就不胡乱翻译害人了。 

  2. 原文是be about one magnitude unit smaller than the mainshock,我对自己的翻译不太有把握。