Hello, World!

Motivation and future plan about my blog. /


Hi, I’m back

My range of on-line socialization has narrowed to communities of QQ and Wechat since my Weibo account was censored. However, I have grown increasingly reluctant to publish serious or deep contents on the casual platforms. Therefore an idea of keeping a blog started, but yet developed, for my experience of losing more than two thousand pieces of Weibo for no reason, which I am not willing to go through again. Until about a month ago, when a friend demonstrated his research to me via GitHub Pages, then I realized such a platform has been existing! Contents secured, no censorship, no server maintenance. Perfect. Finally, here stands this article to greet you!

I would like to share some future plan about this blog. I have four primary objectives: 1) To improve English and Chinese writing and translation skills; 2) To summarize my practices; 3) To share my notes of professional paper; 4) To store my instant thought.

According to the objectives, I decide to run this blog in both English and Chinese. The contents of articles are either professional or casual, and will be organized with tags. Currently I have many previous articles to be transplanted here, plus many ideas are waiting to be recorded and stored here. So you may expect a fast increase of articles!

No matter you want to ask question, make correction or simply chat, Email contact is always welcomed!


自从微博账号被无限期封禁之后,社交网络对我来说就是在QQ空间和朋友圈和小伙伴们插科打诨。但是随着年龄和朋友圈的增长,我越来越不愿意在这些轻松的媒介上发布一些自认为严肃或者有深度的内容。也有考虑过选择一个平台写博客,但是回想起自己认真写就的数千条微博曾唐突消失在数据的大海中,我还是放弃了。直到一两个月前,一位朋友通过GitHub Pages向我展示自己的研究工作,我才意识到有这么好的平台——内容安全、没有审查,最重要的是不需要自己日夜维护一台服务器。经过一番折腾,这篇博文终于在这里与你见面了。

接下来我想分享一下博客的运营计划。建立博客主要有四个目标: 1、锻炼中英文写作能力和中英互译能力; 2、整理总结一些实践中的经验; 3、分享文献阅读笔记; 4、记录片刻的所思所想。

